Saturday, December 26, 2015

October 1, 2015 Lerwick Garden

Late afternoon at the bowling green in Lerwick. Flowers blooming everywhere. Grass is manicured within an inch of its life and the hedges are tried to perfection. Compost has been collected all summer and the beds are prepared for fall. An amazing park to stroll through on the way to class during Shetland Wool Week.

Extension Council Member at the Vernon County Extension Center Christmas Open House.
A cool late September morning run on the coast of Lerwick a lonely sea gull waits for the tide to come in to collect his breakfast. My morning runs started on a narrow trail along the sea wall facing the open channel looking toward Scotland. The breeze is always brisk and the sky clear. Many small boats can be seen bobbing in the channel heading back into port.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Silverton, Colorado
Shot with the 200mm lens from the train. Clouds, snow and a dark morning. Several rain showers on the trip creating some wonderful effects. this image hasn't been cropped or edited in any way. The blue sky peaks through the clouds to let us know that a beautiful day is coming.

Rose Garden 2015

Kodak Ektachrome Processing 
Roses in the garden, summer 2015. Processing to show the the shadows and light early in the morning.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bushwacker Days 2015 ~ Nevada MO

The flags were part of the  recreation for the Lewis & Clark Expedition exhibit. Black and white is more in character with an earlier time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Color Image To Black & White

Working with a single image to create an allusion of light and shadow. Here is the original image.

The black & white with sepia and sunburst overlay.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Wonderings in Yellowstone Park

On the way to Yellowstone, Indian drawings carved on a sandstone hillside.

Parked at the side of the road in Yellowstone. A lovely place for lunch on a warm afternoon. Peaceful, quite and free from bears.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

VW's Rusting away on a bright sunny day. 

Phillips Towing ~ Backyard

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny, but windy day in Nevada, MO. Wondering around the field I found this old Edsel with vines growing through the back window.

Driving back to the highway we found this overgrown right a way. Jerry made a quick stop and I got a few shots in the woods.